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Ever wanted to try making your own Peking Style Duck? This delicious Slow Cooker Duck recipe is the perfect fakeaway as SO easy to make at home.

A platter with cooked slow cooker duck shredded, Chinese pancakes, cucumber, spring onion and sauce.

With store cupboard ingredients, simple sides and a delicious accompanying sauce, this Slow Cooker Peking Style Duck is fantastic as part of a banquet or takeaway dinner.

After a quick coating and 3 hours in your slow cooker, you’re left with tender meat that falls apart with easy shredding, a simple reduced-down Chinese style sauce, and serve with pancakes, cucumber and spring onion

No faffing but such a treat!

Why you’ll love this Slow Cooker Duck recipe

⭐️ Flavour-packed fakeaway treat

⭐️ Tender, fall apart delicious duck

⭐️ Something a little different!

A wooden board with Chinese pancakes filled with Peking style duck, cucumber, onions and sauce.

What is Peking Duck?

Peking Duck is method of cooking duck from Beijing, China, which has been around for thousands of years.

The duck is raised, flavoured, hung and cooked in a very specific way in the authentic versions, which can take many days.

Crispy Aromatic Duck‘ is often used in British takeaway versions of a similar dish.

Sarah’s NoteS

We are all trying to save money on our food bills and making homemade fakeaways, instead of our usual takeaway is a brilliant tactic for this.

I would say that it’s not a replacement for CRISPY duck, as it can be hard to get the skin to crisp up properly when slow cooking, BUT it is very succulent and flavour-filled, so I am happy to compromise on that for an easier method. 

This is a slow cooker, make at home method, very much in the vague style of Peking Duck rather than being in any way authentic. If you’d like to learn more about authentic homemade Peking Duck, this recipe at Red House Spice looks delicious.

Slow Cooker Duck Ingredients Notes

The ingredients to make Slow Cooker Peking Duck laid out on a counter top.
  • Whole duck – You can buy these from most supermarkets or butchers, or you can buy them frozen (make sure you fully defrost thoroughly before cooking). Make sure you buy one that isn’t already flavoured or coated with anything
  • For the sauce: Hoisin sauce, Chinese 5 spice, honey, ginger paste, white wine vinegar and soy sauce

How to make slow Cooker Peking Duck

A plate with a raw duck, coated in peking sauce, ready to be cooked.

1. Mix the sauce ingredients together and coat the duck.

A sauce coated duck upside down in a slow cooker, ready to be cooked.

2. Put into the slow cooker breast side down and cook as per the recipe below.

A slow cooked duck in a roasting dish.

3. When cooked through and tender, remove the duck and finish as per the options in the recipe below.

A pan with Peking sauce with a wooden spoon for step 4 in the recipe for Slow Cooker Peking Duck.

4. Meanwhile, put the sauce from the slow cooker into a small pan on the hob and bubble until thickened and reduced by half. Shred the duck and serve with the sauce.


In the fridge You can keep this recipe in the fridge for 3 days. Reheat fully before serving or eat cold.

In the freezer You can freeze the duck and the sauce separately for another day. Defrost and reheat thoroughly when you’re ready to enjoy it.

The meat may be a little drier than when it was fresh, but it will still be delicious.

More Chinese inspired slow cooker recipes

Recipe Tip

Place the duck in the slow cooker with the breast facing downwards (as shown in the pictured ‘how to’ section). This helps to keep the meat extra tender as it cooks.

A slow cooker with a browned duck inside for Peking Style Duck recipe. A bowl of sauce to the side.


Why isn’t the duck skin crispy?

This recipe is all about the tender, shredded meat, it’s quite hard to get very crispy duck skin when cooking at home, like this. Finishing it off in the air fryer/grill or oven does help to give some tasty little pieces.

Where can I buy Chinese pancakes?

If you’re in the UK, you can buy the small, thin Chinese style pancakes from M&S or Chinese supermarkets.

How do you shred the duck?

You can leave it in the oven dish or take it out and pop it on a chopping board, then using two forks, gently shred the meat, removing any bones as you go. 

This should be quick to do as the duck will fall apart easily. Put the meat onto a plate or platter to serve.

How do I slice the cucumber?

These should be in the shape of very thin batons, about 4-6 cm long. 

Simply cut your cucumber in half lengthways, then scoop out the watery seeds in the middle using a spoon. Slice lengthways into fine strips, and slice again until you get the desired shape.

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Also I’d LOVE to see your cooking creations. If you’d like to share yours with me, you can tag me on Instagram (@tamingtwins).

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Slow Cooker Peking Style Duck

This Slow Cooker Duck, cooked Peking style, is an easy fakeaway with tender, flavour-packed crispy meat served with Chinese inspired sauce. Enjoy with pancakes, cucumber and spring onion for a homemade treat.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 3 hours 30 minutes
Total Time: 3 hours 40 minutes
Servings: 4


  • 1 Duck

For the sauce:

  • 200 ml Hoisin sauce
  • 1 tsp Chinese 5 spice
  • 1 tbsp Honey
  • 3 tsp Ginger paste
  • 1.5 tbsp White wine vinegar
  • 2 tbsp Soy sauce


  • Mix the sauce ingredients together and coat the duck. Put into the slow cooker for 3 – 3.5 hours on HIGH, breast side down until the meat is very tender and pulls apart when pushed with a fork.

To crisp up options:

  • Option 1: Remove the meat and skin that you will serve from from the whole duck. Pop the boneless cooked meat into your air fryer for about 5 – 6 minutes at 200 to brown up the skin pieces. Keep an eye on it as you don't want to burn the meat pieces.
  • Option 2: Remove the meat and skin that you will serve from the whole duck. Pop the boneless cooked meat onto a grill safe baking sheet. Cook under a hot grill for 5 – 6 minutes to crisp up the skin pieces. Keep an eye on it as you don't want to burn the meat pieces.
  • Option 3: When cooked through and tender, remove the duck and put into a preheated oven at 220C for 30-40 minutes to crisp up.
  • Option 4: You can also not do any of these options, just remove the skin and bones, discard with the meat carcass and serve the soft tender meat with no skin.

To serve:

  • While the duck is in the oven, put the sauce from the slow cooker into a small pan on the hob and bubble for 5-10 minutes until thickened and reduced by half.
  • Shred the duck and serve with the sauce.


Whole duck: You can buy these from most supermarkets or butchers, or you can buy them frozen (make sure you fully defrost these before cooking). Make sure you buy one that isn’t already flavoured or coated with anything
Why isn’t the skin crispy?! This recipe is all about the tender, shredded meat, it’s quite hard to get very crispy duck skin when cooking at home, like this. Finishing it off in the air fryer/grill or oven does help to give some tasty little pieces.
How to shed the duck: You can leave it in the oven dish or take it out and pop it on a chopping board, then using two forks, gently shred the meat, removing any bones as you go. This should be quick to do as the duck will fall apart easily. Put the meat onto a plate or platter to serve
Nutritional values: The calculations on this recipe are based on 4 people sharing the duck. Obviously this will vary according to how many people are sharing


Calories: 928kcalCarbohydrates: 31gProtein: 25gFat: 77gSaturated Fat: 26gPolyunsaturated Fat: 11gMonounsaturated Fat: 36gCholesterol: 147mgSodium: 1567mgPotassium: 507mgFiber: 2gSugar: 20gVitamin A: 327IUVitamin C: 6mgCalcium: 49mgIron: 6mg

Nutrition information is automatically calculated, so should only be used as an approximation.

Additional Info

Course: Appetizer, Main Course
Cuisine: Chinese
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Sarah Rossi founder of and author of 'What's for Dinner?' books.


Hi, I'm Sarah. I help busy people decide 'What's for Dinner?' Find hundreds of recipes here, and also in my bestselling recipe book. Hope my recipes make your life easier ❤️

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